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Pedro Marnoto’s work has ranged from fiction to documentary film, theatre, and live video performance. “Gu” (2015) played at the NY Portuguese Short Film Festival and Caminhos do Cinema Português. The documentary “Voices in the Fog“ (2018) was screened as part of the Dock-u-mentaries series at the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center. "Of Another Place" (2023) was selected for the Leiria Film Fest and the Leuven Int Short Film Festival.  For the stage, Pedro co-wrote and co-directed Saudade Theatre's first original production, "El Comanchero or [The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven]" (2022). In 2019, Pedro collaborated with musician Renato Diz on the video performance "At a Volume Only You Can Hear", which premiered at RHI-Think Festival. Pedro is pursuing an MFA at the Stanford Documentary Film and Video program. His first feature film, "Lá!", is currently in post-production.




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